
Access "Manage Employees"

On your left hand side, click on "Settings" / "Employees" to see a list of all employees.

Search Employees

Search by Emplpoyee Name, Email, Mobile, National ID/Passport, or Job Title to find an employee

Filter Employees

Filter by Employee status or Job Level to filter employees

Sort Employees

Sort by employee name or employee ID to sort employees

View Employee Detail

Click on any employee record to view employee details.

Add a New Employee

Click on "Add Employee" to add a new employee

Resend Invite to an employee

If you were notified by an employee that he did not receive the invitation for some reason, go to this employee's detail, and you will see at the top a message stating that this employee has not activated their account yet. Click on the "Resend invite" button to send it again.

Deactivate Employee

If you want to deactivate any employee, you only need to go to that employee's detail and deactivate their access by turning off the active status from here.

Change employee roles

You can modify employee roles at any time. The available permissions are:

1. End Traveler (this authority enables the employee to raise and track a travel request for themselves)

2. Requester (this authority enables the employee to raise and track a travel request for another employee)

3. Approver (this authority enables the employee to approve or reject a request)

4. Human Resources (this authority enables the employee to view, add and edit Employees)

5. Charge codes (this authority enables the employee to manage Charge Codes)

6. Policy Manager (this authority enables the employee to manage policies)